Friday, April 13, 2018

"We Are the Experts"

That's what 17 year-old Parkland High School student survivor of the Broward County school killings David Hogg claimed, while "dumping on" the NRA. Where in hell this fool got that notion, I don't know. I guess hiding in a closet while dodging bullets makes him an expert on gun control--or something. But the NRA is NOT responsible, just because they stand up for our CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to be armed for self defense. In any case, nothing that came out of his mouth--or from the mouth of Bill Maher made any sense at all, concerning gun control. Both were completely clueless on the subject. I feel sorry for those kids. That had to be a life-changing experience. But it does NOT make you an expert on gun control or anything else. Neither are the anti-gun fools "experts" on the subject, since everything they do does NOTHING to stop, or even slow down what they call "gun violence," but what I simply call "violence." It would be no kind of violence without the participation of damned fool killers, most of whom are insane. What Hogg is feeling is the arrogance of ALL anti-gun fools, instilled in them by other anti-gun fools. Their very "campaign" is paid for, lock, stock, and barrel by anti-gun fools, who are financed by billionaire meddler George Soros. They are being USED, and they don't know it. (The Blaze)

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