Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Strengthening the NRA

The anti-gun fools would like to destroy outfits like the NRA, which is the strongest pro-self defense organization out there trying to defend our CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to be armed for self defense. They keep saying the NRA is "pro-gun," which is WRONG. The NRA is "pro-self defense," whatever tool you may use to accomplish that, INCLUDING guns. Every time they start blaming them for the mass shootings that occur, their membership goes up, and the dollars they have to promote their position increases, as well. The anti-gun fools hate that, but they don't know how to stop it. So they just keep on doing the same things, over and over, and NRA membership keeps growing, while the number of dollars in their coffers grow, right along with it. What the anti-gun fools just don't realize is that a MAJORITY of Americans WANT to keep their self defense rights, and be able to buy and use a TOOL to accomplish it, a gun. Since just about ALL the criminals, crazies, and Islamic terrorists who want to victimize them HAVE guns that will never appear on any "background check," because they never REGISTER their illegally-gotten guns. (Time)

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