Thursday, April 26, 2018

It's A Puzzle to Me

Why the anti-gun fools continue to make laws and regulations they must KNOW do not work. If they just want to disarm everybody in America for their own purposes, they must also know they will never accomplish that goal. Every time they make a new law to keep law-abiding citizens from owning or buying a gun, or to make the guns they do have useless--like making ammunition almost impossible to get, it creates a "black market" in exactly the thing they ban. Like bump stocks. Politicians are rushing now to make bump stocks hard, if not impossible to get, after the Las Vegas massacre. They have to know that will only inspire people to make more of them available on the black market. They are so easy to make, there will be garages everywhere full of them, for sale. They also must know that none of the laws they HAVE made do ANYTHING to stop, or even slow down "gun violence," and only make it easier for the fools who IGNORE them to victimize those who OBEY them. Are they just STUPID, or what? They will NEVER get rid of ALL guns, and they have to know that, too. Are they just "playing" with us? Is it just a hobby with them? Do they not know that the way to self defense is NOT to get rid of the best tool to that end, a gun? It's a real puzzle. (Truth About Guns)

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