Thursday, April 12, 2018

Double Standard On Guns

In the village of Sherwood HIlls, Wisconsin, a "concerned parent" walked into a school and handed a teacher a piece of cardboard with the word, "gun" on it, to demonstrate the weakness of the school's security, hoping to make schools safer for his children. The school didn't appreciate that, and called the cops, who arrested him. He threatened no one in his little protest, and did NOT "hinder teaching," in any way. It was a simple demonstration, and not even a disrupting one. But they arrested him, anyway. Meanwhile, thousands of "frightened" students go all over the place, from Tallahassee to DC, to protest and "show their support for gun control," PAID FOR by anti-gun fools, who are themselves paid for by a billionaire money-man, George Soros. And nothing is done to arrest any of them, while some of their demonstrations ARE disruptive. This is typical. With Dumocrats controlling things in most areas of our lives, they make it as difficult as possible to demonstrate against THEIR policies, while doing everything they can to inhibit opposition. And liberal judges support them. (Truth About Guns)

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