Thursday, April 19, 2018

"Just Shoot "Em Dead!"

That's the advice one anti-gun fool professor is giving the other anti-gun fools. James Pearce, an adjunct professor at Southern State Community College, says, "A bunch of anti-gun types (fools) should arm themselves (with the guns they hate) and attack the NRA headquarters, and leave no survivors." Meaning, kill them all. Just "arm yourself" and use that which you are against to kill the opposition so they can't make logical arguments you can't answer. That's the kind of thinking you can expect from anti-gun fools, who aren't too bright. This guy is a professor, but he isn't too bright, and is now under investigation after he said this on Facebook. Of course, Facebook didn't censor him because that's the way they think, too. When you can't answer what your opponent is saying with logic and intelligence, just call them names, or wish them dead. This is a logical progression from that. If calling them names doesn't work (and it won't), just KILL them. Problem solved. Only it won't. It will just get THEM imprisoned, or executed for mass murder--IF they don't get killed themselves in the attempt. Now he's under investigation, he says it was a joke. But I think he was deadly serious.(Fox News Insider)

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