Monday, April 16, 2018

"Sorry" Isn't Good Enough

The IRS "politicized" itself, stalling applications for tax-free status for right-wing organizations, or ones they PERCEIVED as being right-wing, and nobody went to prison. Lois Lerner lost her job and had to retire to a comfortable retirement on a lavish "pension" without real punishment. They got caught, and they said they're "sorry." And it was "forgotten." The boss at IRS got no punishment, whatever. He's still running it. Obama's "Fast & Furious" plan sold many guns to the Mexican drug cartels for no real reason except what they CLAIMED was their purpose (which didn't hold water) and they said, "sorry" when they got caught. Nobody was really punished. In Waco and Ruby Ridge, citizens were MURDERED by government agents. The then Attorney General, Janet Reno, "took responsibility." But what did that mean? Was she punished, in any way? Were the "government agents" who wantonly MURDERED those civilians (even their DOGS) ever punished? The guy who MURDERED a woman with her child in her arms at Ruby Ridge was later quietly given a commendation for that murder. They didn't announce it. Did they ever punish that Border Control agent who pointed the nose of automatic weapon in the face of a SIX-YEAR-OLD to capture and send him back to that "island prison," in Cuba? Did they ever even IDENTIFY him to the public? They complain that this nation is "heavily armed." But if they treat us that way in a "heavily armed" country, think how they would treat us if they were ever successful in getting rid of ALL the guns in the country? (Just common sense)

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