Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Car Drives Into Ceowd

In Müenster, Germany, a fool drove his van into a crowd of people, killing several, and injuring more. WE NEED TO BAN CARS! At least, we do, if we use the same thinking gun-grabbers use. They seem to think that if some fool MISUSES a gun, we need to ban guns from the face of the Earth. Except for those in the hands of criminals and other "bad guys" who don't bother to obey laws, of course. I'll be surprised if the gun-grabbers don't seize upon THIS occurrence to whine and cry about banning GUNS! That's the way they think. If ANYTHING happens, using ANYTHING, ban guns! They can't think of anything to REALLY solve the problem, so they seize upon the simplest thing, and attempt to demonize those who wish to retain their constitutional RIGHT to self defense, and to own and use the means to that, a gun. They flail about trying to erase guns from the face of the Earth, while the "bad guys" always find a way. And they demonize the NRA, the organization that stands up for that right, saying they are responsible for all "gun violence," while it is really the fools who misuse their guns who ARE responsible, when they are the only ones that are looking at the REAL solution, while training people in the PROPER use of guns. (DW)

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