Monday, April 9, 2018

CNBC Is Deluded

They actually think the NRA will FIRE Dana Loesch to "repair their reputation." What the hell makes them think the NRA NEEDS to "repair their reputation" among anybody except those who believe the propaganda put out by the anti-gun fools? They really think that everybody believes the same bull-dung they believe, and will respond to their ignorant posing. The NRA laughs at their feeble efforts to undermine them, They know that their basis of action is, in fact, supported by the Constitution and that CNBC's is NOT. So why would they even CONSIDER firing one of their most effective spokespeople because CNBC demands it? It's really funny watching the liberals try and influence these people with their phony outrage. They think we really CARE about their outrage. We don't. Because we have no respect for them. They are just another part of the liberal "fake news" industry, and their "influence" over people with INTELLIGENCE is nil. (CNBC)

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