Tuesday, April 17, 2018

"Just Shut Them Up!"

If you can't win the argument; if you have no true facts to support your position, and have run out of lies, just call your opposition names to shut them up. That's the direction the anti-gun fools are taking, and have always taken. That's why they say the NRA is racist, and are terrorists, and "have blood on their hands." Racist is their favorite epithet since Obama revived its popularity among liberals as a means of not having to argue on the facts, in any debate. They think if they can make their opponents look bad enough, they can win the argument in spite of having no facts on their side. Liberals have always used that ploy when they just can't come up with a cogent argument to blunt criticism (which is usually every time). And most anti-gun fools are liberals. It has been said (by Rush Limbaugh, I think) that a political argument involving a liberal will last about 30 seconds before they start calling you names. Listen carefully in any debate with a liberal and you will notice this, in action. Arguing with a liberal is pointless. His positions are always against logic and reason, but he will feel very strongly about his false positions. Hence the insults. (The Hill)

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