Thursday, April 19, 2018

Replacing the American Flag

The proof of the liberal influence at work on the "student march" for their lives is that Emma Gonzalez, a major supporter, made a speech wearing a "Cuban dictator-looking" military jacket bearing a CUBAN flag, instead of the usual American flag worn in America. That tells us she likes Cuba, a country where a new dictator began confiscating the guns of its citizens within two days of taking power, and has since murdered THOUSANDS, maybe more, of his people after disarming them. It is a common theme among dictators to disarm their people as soon as they can. Unarmed people cannot give their dictator much lip without getting killed, or imprisoned for long periods. The Nazis did it; so did Stalin in Russia--and predictably, the murders of MILLIONS ensued. Politicians CLAIM that disarming the populace is to PROTECT them, but it is NOT. It is to eventually ENSLAVE them. But in America, with the liberal media solidly behind our wannabe dictator politicians, it will not be to protect them, but to enslave them, as usual. If you let them disarm you, you can bet that soon they will come for you. (Conservative Tribune)

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