Monday, April 2, 2018

Petrified of the NRA?

Apparently, President Trump is buying some of the anti-gun fool myths. One of them is that lawmakers are "petrified" of the NRA. Nothing could be further from the truth. Some lawmakers simply see the LOGIC in the position of the NRA, and make laws to reflect that, while refusing to make more of the INEFFECTIVE, USELESS laws they want them to make. That's not petrification, it's good sense. The NRA simply stands up for our CONSTITUTIONAL right to be armed for self defense, and Trump needs to be aware of that. The whole idea that lawmakers are "petrified" of the NRA is a liberal fairy tale, and apparently they have convinced Trump of that. "Take the guns first?" It might sound good to some, but it scares me. If you can break the law first, and THEN "go through the motions" in court later, begs the question, "How many other rights will you take away" in the future, when you can pony up an excuse? Trump IS doing something right when he says we need to ALLOW teachers and other staff who HAVE a "concealed carry permit" and the proper training to bring their guns to school. None of them who don't want to do that, need to do so. Nobody should ever be FORCED to fo so. But the very presence of a FEW armed staff they can't identify ND KILL FIRST, would be a DETERRENT to potential mass killers. That has been proved in Israel, where they do arm their teachers. They've only had 2 school shootings in recent years, and the shooters are dead. (Just common sense)

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