Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Gun Control's Dirty Secret

It's something anti-gun fools don't want you to know, but when guns become almost impossible to legally buy or own, knife killings multiply. And you can't ban knives completely, because they have way too many important uses besides killing. And there are just too many around. Every house has many knives. Great Britain learned that when they effectively banned guns, except for those in the hands of "government people." When thugs can't get guns, they use something else with which to do their crimes. It's like anything else involving the human condition. Take away one tool, and they start using another. And disarming yourself is no way to defend yourself, no matter how much anti-gun fools wish it to be true. They can ban guns all they want, and the killings will continue, unabated. That's something they will not admit, even to themselves. They just continue, "willy nilly," banning guns, bullets, and other gun parts, as if that would work to prevent violence. It won't. You have to find some way of changing the way people think, and laws banning guns do nothing toward that. In England, they have even campaigned to get people to turn in their knives, but the criminals do not. So only the law-abiding and the gullible are defenseless against them, as well as out-of-control government agents. (Liberty Park Press)

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