Thursday, August 31, 2017

Who Cares What The Left Thinks?

The left is "outraged that one school took some kids on a field trip to a gun range. They're outraged that Trump pardoned former sheriff Arpaio. The 2017 NRA Expo was a rousing success, and THAT outrages them. Some bakers refuse to bake cakes for gay weddings after they searched so diligently for the ones who won't, so they can ruin them. They're angry because there is opposition to their plan to let MEN into women's most private places if they "think" they're women that day. They get angry when somebody tells the truth about Muslim outrages, and even want to CRIMINALIZE telling the truth about Muslim outrages. Then there's the very IDEA that people should want to own and use the MEANS to self defense, and that outrages them, too. The same is true for those who don't buy the bullcrap about global warming/climate change. They want to criminalize them, too. Think of ANYTHING human beings could do that is NATURAL, and to do it outrages them. Frankly, whenever I see something that outrages the left, I want to go out and DO it. I couldn't care LESS about what outrages them. (Just common sense)

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