Monday, March 31, 2014

Whipping Up Business

Leland Yee was a well-known anti-gun fool lawmker in California until he was caught “running guns” to terrorists. What a way to whip up business than to get your product banned to make it easier to sell to criminals WITHOUT the controls put on legal gun sales! And this is a California LAWMAKER doing these things. He’s an elected official in that state, and a TRAITOR to boot, selling guns, and even shoulder-fired MISSILES to Islamic TERRORISTS so they can kill more people with them. Every American (or anybody else) who dies from something he sold is “blood on HIS hands.” How many more are there out there like him who haven’t been caught yet? I think a close look at ALL the anti-gun fools is in order. Especially the ones who themselves carry guns or hire gun-toting bodyguards while denying us he same right. This kind of stuff really raises my bile! “Hasten Jason, bring the basin! Erp, slop, bring the mop!” (Bearing Arms)

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