Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Supremes Get Their Orders

New Jersey Attorney General tells the State Supreme Court NOT to hear a “concealed carry” case. Where the hell he gets the idea he can do that, I don’t know. In his brief, he said, “The Second Amendment does not prohibit New Jersey from requiring applicants to demonstrate a justifiable need before granting a permit to publicly carry a handgun,” You’d think an AG would be smarter than that, but he’s apparently not. The Constitution says to ”pass NO LAW inhibiting the right to be armed,” or words to that effect, the “key words” being NO LAW. New Jersey’s requiring a “justifiable need” does that. He claims the State Constitution is not dependent upon the national Constitution, but that’s VERY WRONG. In order to BECOME a state, New Jersey, like all other applicants, had to agree to abide by the American Constitution in all their lawmaking. This does NOT. He should know that. He apparently does not. (New Jersey Herald)

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