Tuesday, March 25, 2014

What Don't They Understand?

What part of “shall NOT be infringed” don’t anti-gun fools understand? The Constitution couldn’t be clearer about the right to keep and bear arms for the American people. Yet anti-gun fools in both parties continue to attempt to make laws to do just that. “The left believes every gun has a mind of its own and will 'go off' at any moment, because they think that people don't control guns, but guns control people. This is why they want to rid society of them, but will never be able to do so. They speak of guns as if they have souls, a will, and a mind to think. It's a subtle way of putting a gun in the “evil” category and bypassing the fact that evil people do evil things with guns, not the other way around. I can’t believe these people aren’t aware of that prohibition, but they continue to ignore it. What’s WRONG with these people? (Freedom Outpost)

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