Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Talking Nonsense

“America has the highest death by guns rate per capita in the world…..fact.”  "That comment – left on a YouTube video – shows the ignorance of people not in America, and those in the Oval Office or the California state legislature. It is a persistent talking point of gun ban activists, and is adopted as fact by people predisposed to believe that (as the same fellow continued) “America is a screwed up society that has an unhealthy obsession with all things violent.”  The only problem with that is, it's WRONG. It’s a popular lie told by anti-gun nuts all over, but it IS a lie. Honduras is the gun crime capital of the world, not America. America, by comparison to the rest of the world, is VERY peaceful. “In their famous Harvard Journal of Law paper, Don Kates and Gary Mauser detailed how firearm availability never correlates with gun deaths. Real data simply doesn’t support the alleged “fact” our YouTube troll stated.” But facts never deter anti-gun fanatics. They make up their “facts” as they go along. Crime data from the United Nations shows that America is 40% as high as the top countries. Actually, relatively calm by comparison. (AmmoLand)

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