Monday, August 31, 2020

They Finally Found Something

The anti-gun fool crowd have been looking long and hard for something—anything---they could twist into getting rid of their most effective nemesis, the NRA. Now they’ve found it, and the liberal New York AG is just the crooked politician to push it. But the NRA isn’t gonna go down without a fistfight. And they have “put their fists up” with their own suit against the New York AG. They want badly to get rid of the NRA because it is EFFECTIVE. The NRA has done more to put a stop to their shenanigans than any other organization, bar none. And they hate that. The anti-gun fool crowd is clearly violating the law—the most basic law there is in this country—the Constitution. Which clearly prohibits ANY law being made that infringes upon our right to self defense, and to own and carry the means to that, a gun. Yet here they are, in the business of MAKING such laws, in violation of the Constitution. There is no punishment specified in the Constitution for such action. Or they would by now be in prison. It would be different if their silly little laws DID what they SAY they’re supposed to do—get guns out of the hands of criminals. Instead, they work very hard to keep them out of the hands of honest, law-abiding people so they cannot defend themselves against the millions of ILLEGAL guns out there. Guns they can’t touch because criminals never stand for background checks, or let the “man” even know they have a gun. They’re gonna need a big stick to go after the NRA, because the NRA has an even bigger stick, and the money to back it up, compared to their pitiful little “budgets.”(Just common sense)

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