Friday, August 21, 2020

All the Wrong Things

Chicago Mayor Lightbrain is opposing Trump coming in and using existing federal agents to bring back order in her city, saying, “We’re doing all we can to eliminate the gun violence.” Trouble is, they’re doing all the WRONG things. Chief among those are the plethora of useless, unenforceable anti-gun laws that do nothing except to disarm the honest, law-abiding citizens, allowing the law breakers “free rein” to victimize them. Next, she signals to her police that she will NOT stand behind them when they do what is necessary to bring back order and convince the law breakers their actions are not a good choice. She does that by her ACTIONS when liberal criminal supporters demand she go after her cops whenever they think they did something wrong. So naturally they are going to retreat when they should be advancing when “demonstrators” throw everything but the kitchen sink at them and cause injuries to them, since they know they might lose not only their careers, but might be sent to prison themselves, for doing their jobs the best way they know how. (Just common sense)

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