Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Another School Shooting

There has been yet another shooting in a school, where guns are not allowed by law. When are these ignorant politicians going to learn that laws do NOT stop criminals and crazies from shooting up places? I’m only aware of ONE shooting in a gun store, and the killer ended up quickly dead. Another shooter tried to shoot up a church, but there was one small woman who had a legal gun and she shot him, stopping his shooting spree. It has become obvious that “no gun zones” are an INVITATION to shooters to come in and shoot people while there will be no guns there to oppose him. When are our fool politicians going to get this very simple idea? Probably never, because they’re “tone deaf” to reason. They’ll keep making their ignorant laws to disarm us and let us be killed by people who don’t pay attention to laws. I just don’t understand the mindset of these fools. (Just common sense)

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