Wednesday, August 26, 2020

She Just Doesn't Get It

Chicago Mayor Lightbrain has not a single idea on how to stop, or even slow down “gun crime” in her city, so naturally, like all liberal politicians, she blames others for her failings. She ignores the fact that her city already has some of the tightest anti-gun laws in the nation, yet criminals have no trouble getting the guns they use to victimize Chicagoans. She blames federal policies for her own failings, as well as “guns coming in from outside the state,” as if all guns should be made in Chicago. Which they are not, and never will be. Guns are made all over the world. And that will continue. The problem is, of course, all the tight anti-gun laws in Chicago do is prevent honest, law-abiding people from getting the guns they need to oppose those illegal guns in the hands of the law-breakers. Which, of course, makes things worse. But she can’t see that. She just isn’t intelligent enough. Just like all anti-gun fool politicians. Of course, like most liberal politicians, she’ll call me a racist for what I’m saying here because that lets her use her blackness as a shield against any criticism. (DailyCaller)

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