Friday, August 28, 2020

It Does Sound Familiar

A judge ordered a retrial of two cops who shot and killed two young kids on a bridge right after Hurricane Katrina and the reason sounds very much like what happened in the Zimmerman trial: “After a jury convicted five other former officers in 2011, their attorneys argued that prosecutors' online comments and leaks to news organizations were part of a "secret public relations campaign" that deprived their clients of a fair trial.” The “vendetta” against George Zimmerman ordered by Obama worked HARD to convict Zimmerman of SOMETHING, ANYTHING so as to support Obama’s agenda to promote the appearance of racism in this country and further demonize guns. But nobody called them on it in the Zimmerman case because their phony case was so weak Zimmerman won. But they’re still trying, every day. They follow him in his car, lie about him in family disputes, etc. He needs to move far away and change his name so they’ll one day maybe leave him alone.(Mail Online)

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