Wednesday, August 12, 2020

The Right Idea

As stupid liberal politicians are working assiduously to make us defenseless in the face of the crime wave expected as they release violent criminals “because of Covid 19,’ while limiting the ability of the law abiding to get their own guns for self defense, Americans are buying guns in record numbers, both legally and illegally, from some of the very criminals against whom they will need them. They know that approaching is going to be a need to defend themselves because the cops can’t. They couldn’t even at full strength because they couldn’t be everywhere, but with the movement to defund the cops gaining strength all over the country, the cops will be even less able to defend them. Americans are known for their ability to defend themselves against marauding criminals in the past—although that has been somewhat weakened as police presence took over the job. But with the weakening of that assistance, the need to have their tools for their own defense means having their own guns. And they have responded to that need by emptying many gun stores. The criminals, who figured they’d have a “gay old time” victimizing the law abiding are going to be very surprised when they die at the hands of their intended victims. Americans have always been a “hardy breed,” and, with the exception of the few who would not “rise up” in self defense, are quite capable of defending themselves in the absence of the cops. (Just common sense)

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