Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Doubing Down On Stupid

That St. Louis politician (er, uh, prosecutor) took a legal action and jumped right in, lying about the charges she is about to lay on a couple of lawyers who displayed their legally owned guns to “put the fear of God” into a bunch of cocky rioters who threatened to kill them, then shower in their bathrooms and eat in their dining rooms after they’re dead, saying those people were just “walking by,” on their way to the mayor’s house to protest there. The charges she is making are “displaying firearms for an illegal purpose.” Which is a big, fat LIE. They were displayed for a LEGAL purpose, guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States. She has NO legal ground to stand on, and is spending taxpayer money to make a grand political statement in an election year—which is probably going to backfire on her, big time. Those rioters were trespassing on PRIVATE PROPERTY, not walking on public streets, when they threatened these homeowners on their own property. The very act of damaging that entrance to their property puts the LIE to that claim. (CNN)

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