Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Second Amendment "Misunderstood"

That’s what the university professor who advocates removing the Second Amendment to the Constitution and the whole Constitution itself be “reviewed and changed” since the world has changed so much since it was written. But she doesn’t give any SPECIFICS as to what is wrong. Liberals never do. They just make broad statements without giving specifics. How IS it “misunderstood?” It’s misunderstood because liberals and other gun-haters WANT it to be misunderstood. The reference to a “militia” is used erroneously since the idea of a “state militia” was unknown at the time. ALL PEOPLE were considered to be members of a militia and were expected to supply their own guns. The government wasn’t as “flush with money” like it is, today. But the gun-haters ignore that and continue to insist that it meant “membership” in an ORGANIZED militia, not a VOLUNTEER militia called up in case of attack. That’s the only “misunderstanding” there is: that MANUFACTURED by liberals and gun-haters. (DallasObserver)

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