Monday, August 31, 2020

Al-Jazeer After Your Guns

This anti-American, terrorist-owned network formerly owned by former VP AlGore, the “global warming” swindler and now is owned by the royal family of Qatar, asks the usual question asked by our own anti-gun fools: “What are you trying to do? [Effie Steele] said. If you’re trying to save lives, you don’t want to put more guns in the hands of people. If you’re trying to make money, then you can come up with any argument. . .” On the contrary, to save lives you DO put more guns in the hands of HONEST, reliable people to oppose the guns that are ALREADY illegally in the hands of criminals and crazies. I’d ask, “what’s WRONG with these people?” But I know what’s wrong. They’re fools who want only to remove as many guns from the equation as possible to make their OWN guns more effective when they come after what’s ours. Like Adolph Hitler, the dictator who started World War II, they don’t want any guns in the hands of the people so they can more easily subjugate them. (al-Jazeera America)

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