Friday, August 14, 2020

Denying the Obvious

The anti-gun fools will never be satisfied, because their ideas just don’t work. Meanwhile, they deny the very idea that DOES work in stopping gun violence. As soon as they heard about the “average citizen” who killed a would-be mass killer before he could kill more than two of the hundreds of worshipers in that Fort Worth church, they moved to put a stop to having ANYBODY in such places who have their own guns and can stop such atrocities in their tracks. They see somebody effectively doing what they CLAIM their laws do, and they immediately move to put a stop to it. Even stupid people know that the way to self defense is NOT to make yourself defenseless. Yet they continue to ignore the effectiveness of allowing people to be armed, in self defense. Former NY Mayor Bloomberg says, “We can’t allow the average citizen to be armed.” Why the hell NOT, Mike? Who died and made you God that you should make such a stupid statement? Anti-gun laws do not work. Guns in the hands of “average citizens” DO. Which would put the anti-gun fools “out of a job,” and they don’t want that. (Just common sense)

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