Friday, August 21, 2020

Empowering Criminals

That’s what all those wimpy liberal (Dumbocrat) city politicians are doing when they refuse to accept help from the feds in controlling their street crime while doing everything in their power to STOP the cops from being able to effectively do their jobs. Chicago Mayor Lightbrain says, “We’re doing all we can to stop gun crime in Chicago.” But “doing all they can” is doing all the WRONG THINGS, making it easier for the lawbreakers to victimize honest people. I watch that popular cop show, “Chicago PD,” and have to laugh. If Chicago cops really did all the things they do on that show, the liberal wimp politicians would have them all in prison, being murdered by the very criminals they put there. Whenever a gun is used to victimize somebody, nothing is ever said about whether or not the gun involved was legally obtained by the shooter. They always assume it was, when it wasn’t. Almost ALL guns used in crimes were obtained ILLEGALLY, but they do not tell us that. They just do al they can to eliminate LEGAL guns, making it easier for the CRIMINALS to victimize the law-abiding. (Just common sense)

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