Wednesday, September 4, 2019

"All Shooters Are White Terrorists"

That’s what Rosanna Arquette says, anyway. As usual with anti-gun fools, she cites a truism while ignoring other facts. Yes, pretty much all mass shooters have been white (so far). Except for the Muslims. But she ignores the “gang wars” that rage in all big cities—all of which are run by Dumocrats. Chicago might not be the worst, but it is right up there. And Chicago has ALL the tightest anti-gun laws in force. Those laws DO NOTHING to stop, or even low down the gun violence, done mostly by blacks and Latinos. Baltimore is right up there with them. And—guess what—Baltimore is run by Dumocrats. But she ignores that. She adds to her statement, “The End.” Like that’s supposed to end things. It does not. Truth ends things, and her statement is only PARTLY true. She’s a typical Hollywood type, who thinks her ideas “end” the discussion, but she has no idea what she’s talking about. Yes, the mass shooters have been white, but they are only part of the problem, which she ignores. (Breitbart)

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