Friday, September 20, 2019

Completely Stupid Politicians

Gun control does not work. It has never worked, and politicians have to know it doesn’t work. So why do so many of them push those unworkable, unenforceable, USELESS anti-gun laws that criminals and terrorists routinely ignore? A good example of that is the drug dealer in Philadelphia who was about to be arrested, so he took an AR-15 and tried to kill the cops trying to arrest him, putting six of them in the hospital before he finally “wimped out” and surrendered, so they wouldn’t kill him. This guy was a felon, and as such his owning any kind of a gun was PROHIBITED by law. So how did he even HAVE an AR-15? That’s easy. He bought it on the black market, of just STOLE it. He’s a criminal. They steal things. He violates the law, every day. So why should he give a “tinker’s damn” about a silly little law that says he can’t have his AR-15? Politicians know their anti-gun laws do not work worth a damn. But they keep making them. Each and every Dumocrat presidential candidate has PROMISED to violate the Second Amendment of the Constitution, and so have one or two Republicans. Are they STUPID? I don’t believe they’re stupid. I believe they have an ulterior motive in wanting to disarm law-abiding Americans. They know they’re coming for what belongs to them in the future, and they want to meet as few guns in the hands of their intended victims as possible while they rob them. There is simply NO WAY to “get rid of all guns in existence,” but that is their stated goal. An impossible dream, but they’ll take what they can get. A mostly unarmed populace. Something Hitler had in Germany before he went in and murdered six million Jews. Stalin had it in the old Soviet Union, and he murdered more millions. (Just common sense)

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