Friday, September 13, 2019

"We'll Take Your Guns!"

The watchwords for the Dumocrat Party are these: “Hell yes, we’ll take your guns!” That’s what “Beto” O’Rourke yelled when someone asked him a question about gun control. And Beto is not alone in that. Just about all the Dumocrat candidates feel the same way, never mind the Second Amendment prohibits it. But they don’t care about that. They figure they can find some way around the Second Amendment, like banning the only bullets the AR-15s or AK-47s can use, claiming that the second “doesn’t cover bullets.” Or taxing guns so much nobody but the rich will be able to afford one. They’ll do everything they can to get around the Second Amendment while, at the same time, working to repeal it. That’s what they do. If they can’t score, they just try and move the goal posts so they can. At least they’re being a little more honest about it now. They ADMIT wanting to take away your guns to make you defenseless against the millions of ILLEGAL guns already out there. In the past, they’ve always rushed to assure you they don’t want to take away your guns while working hard to do just that. They can’t tell you why they want to take guns away from the law-abiding while the law-breakers get their guns, anyway. So they just start insulting you when you ask that question. (The Hill)

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