Friday, August 30, 2019

This Chief Gets It

Many police chiefs are for gun control, even though gun control does NOTHING to stop, or even slow down “gun crime.” But this police chief gets it. San Antonio, Texas Police Chief William McManus was quick to go public with the fact that he just doesn’t support the “gun buyback program” that the City Council advanced, because they just don’t work. I don’t know how he feels about the other silly anti-gun laws that are usually passed into law by stupid politicians, but I suspect he feels the same about them. He strikes me as being of superior intelligence to other police politicians who believe in those ineffective, unenforceable anti-gun laws. Gun buyback programs only spend a lot of taxpayer money stupidly while doing nothing to solve the problem. Yes, they do get a few guns off the streets. Mostly old, unreliable guns the criminals want to gt rid of so they can get newer,,better guns. Many such programs are “no questions asked,” and often allow murderers to go unpunished. All he would have to do is turn in the gun he used to murder someone, and the cops are stopped from asking him any questions, so he then goes free on that murder charge. That’s even more stupid that gun buyback programs, themselves. (KSAT Channel 12)

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