Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Willful Ignorance

That’s what’s being displayed by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors when they say the NRA is responsible for putting guns in the hands of mass shooters.” Which is the basis for their stupid resolution declaring the NRA to be a “terrorist organization.” What they REFUSE to recognize is that mass shooters more often than not get their guns ILLEGALLY, which neither the government, nor the NRA has any control over. That’s a mistake the anti-gun fools have always made when they work so hard to pass useless, unenforceable anti-gun laws that DO NOTHING to stop, or even slow down “gun crime,” and instead INCREASE it by disarming the law-abiding so they are DEFENSELESS against the millions of illegal guns out there. They have to know their laws are useless, but they refuse to stop pushing them and, instead, go after the real causes of mass shootings instead of wasting time and money on a lost cause. There has to be an ulterior motive in all that activity toward disarming all law-abiding Americans, and I know what it is. It is POWER. The power to tell us what we can, and cannot do, and gun control is just one of the vehicles they use to gain that power. (Clash Daily)

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