Monday, September 30, 2019

Missing the Criminals

The Governor of New Jersey has just signed an executive order aimed at gun manufacturers, which is just one more measure that does that. There is not a single anti-gun law that affects criminals in a bad way. They only affect the law-abiding, while he law-breakers just IGNORE them and victimize the law-abiding, who DO obey them, even if they are stupid. And they are—all of them. Because they target the very people who are the VICTIMS of the criminals who simply use ILLEGAL guns to victimize them. Why these people can’t gt it through their thick skulls that these laws are USELESS, I don’t know. Or I wouldn’t know if I didn’t realize the same thing Hitler did. Or Stalin did. Or Castro, or any number of other despots did, that the first thing you need to do on gaining power is to DISARM YOUR PEOPLE, making them “sitting ducks” when you come to take their property or just KILL them. Each of those despots mentioned disarmed their people immediately on taking power, then MURDERED millions of their people. Our would-be despots are in the Dumocrat Party, and many of them have revealed themselves by their “threats” while trying to get the Dumocrat presidential nomination. (The Press)

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