Tuesday, September 24, 2019

"Secondary Gun Ban"

The left can’t just ban guns. Our absolute RIGHT to be armed for self defense is guaranteed in the Constitution, which is the BASIS to which ALL our laws MUST comply, or not be a law, at all. So they do everything they can to make it impossible to USE the guns we have. From banning ammunition and doing everything they can to make ammunition impossible to get, thereby causing a “secondary gun ban,” to intimidating bankers into refusing to lend money to anybody engaged in the gun-making, or gun-selling trades, which is what they’re doing, now. They’re trying to make laws to force gun-makers to micro-imprint identifying numbers on each bullet, so they can be identified, AFTER use, something that is impossible to do. They say “There is no constitutional protection” for bullets, so we can do what we want with them,” which is WRONG. Making bullets impossible to get is a “secondary gun ban” and is therefore BANNED by the Constitution. Making money unavailable to gun-makers or sellers likewise, creates a “secondary gun ban,” and is unconstitutional on its face because it makes it harder, if not impossible to make or sell guns—which is unconstitutional. The fact that all this does NOTHING to keep guns out of the hands of criminals or crazies doesn’t seem to dawn on these fools, since they get their guns ILLEGALLY. (California Globe)

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