Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Next American Revolution

The last time gun confiscation was tried on what were to become Americans happened because of Britain’s attempts to disarm all colonists. So we declared our independence from Great Britain, then went on to win the war they tried to use to subject us to their demands, while creating a great nation that now surpasses everything British. Now our own (Dumocrat) politicians would like to try disarming Americans and they will meet the same stiff resistance. It they persist, they will get the same result Great Britain got when they tried. There WILL be another “American Revolution,” and the ones who will suffer the most will be the “gun-grabbers.” We just can’t convince these stupid politicians that we will NOT be disarmed. Yes, they have managed to pass a bunch of silly laws that disarm the law-abiding, but even those law-abiding people (including me) will go on to become “criminals” if they attempt a COMPLETE “gun-grab.” the Founders thought the right to self defense was important enough to put the right to own and use the means to that “right up top” in those rights GUARANTEED, and we have become used to the fact that this IS our right, and will, again, FIGHT to retain it. Those politicians will “find a gun behind every blade of grass,” as the Japanese expected during WWII, which was why they didn’t attack the American mainland. To take away our gun rights will be very dangerous for those foolish Dumocrat politicians. I guarantee it. (The Federalist)

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