Monday, September 9, 2019

Leprosy In American Cities

Leprosy is a disease that was “eliminated” in America—until the liberal (Dumocrats) came along and took over the running of most American cities. Now those cities are “sh-tholes” the people living in third world cities would not like to live in. Homelessness abounds, and streets and vacant lots are filled with tents, cardboard boxes, and other “shelters” for them, while the “authorities” look the other way. Gunfights between criminals of all stripes erupt daily, and the shooters don’t care who gets in the way of their badly-aimed bullets. And the guns they use are illegally-obtained because of tight anti-gun laws that guarantee to keep the law-abiding unarmed, so the criminals don’t have to worry much about their law-abiding victims shooting back. Those cities are mostly all broke—or soon will be. New York City was one of the original cities to go completely broke—until it was “bailed out” by liberal federal politicians with YOUR money. They’re broke, but they still use your money to start all manner of “giveaway programs” while going further and further into debt. That’s the “magic” of liberalism. (Headline Health)

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