Thursday, September 12, 2019

Criminals Love Gun Control

Because they know that all it does is make the law-abiding more vulnerable to their victimization. That’s ALL it does. Supporters claim that gun control is “the answer” to “gun violence,” but it is NOT. It makes gun violence worse by making the law-abiding into “easy targets” for criminals of all kinds. And criminals know this. They just ignore these laws and use their ill-gotten guns to victimize those who obey the law. Politicians all over want to take away as many guns from the law-abiding as they can, because many of them intend to create a dictatorship, and want as few guns as possible in the hands of the law-abiding. They know there isn’t a lot they can do about people who ignore anti-gun laws, but they consider them “kindred spirits.” Both intend to fleece the law-abiding in every way they can. Only the method differs. The criminals use guns alone. The politicians use LAWS, and guns to back that up. that’s the only thing I can see as the goal in taking guns away from anybody. Hitler and Stalin did it, and then went on to murder millions of law-abiding citizens as they went about fleecing their citizens. (The Federalist)

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