Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Gun Control No answer

Politicians everywhere are struggling with how to solve the problem of “gun crime,” and so far, their every answer is wrong, and does nothing. That’s because they target the GUNS, which, without someone’s hand on the trigger, are no problem whatsoever because they are inanimate objects. Universal Background Checks are useless on their face. They do NOTHING to stop gun crime. They CAN help the cops to find the shooter IF he bought the gun legally and stood for a background check, which criminals usually do not, because they know they are going to use that gun for breaking the law and don’t want to give the cops an avenue right to their door. So they get the gun ILLEGALLY in the first place. Gun safes and other methods they SAY are ways to keep guns out of the hands of curious kids don’t work, either, and only make it impossible to get your gun into action quickly enough when threatened, and will get YOU killed.

Gun-free zones” are one of the worst ideas ever to come down the pike because they are an “engraved invitation” to killers to come into them and kill the law-abiding, who will not be armed because they DO obey laws, even stupid ones. The same is true of ALL their anti-gun laws in one way or another, because their target is wrong. They are so ignorant that they even get angry when “wiser heads” refuse to make more of their stupid laws. House Majority Leader (temporarily) Nancy Peelosi even went so far as to THREATEN the Senate Majority Leader if he didn’t “pass” some of their stupid laws. As if he could pass or not pass them by himself. One Dumocrat actually had the gall to threaten the Supreme Court with “packing” if they didn’t violate the Second Amendment with a ruling. The way to self defense against illegal guns is a LEGAL gun in the hand of the potential victim. The evidence of that is that every policeman you see is armed. (Just common sense)

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