Leland Yee, one of the most virulent anti-gun voices in the
California legislature, has been CONVICTED, of what? Gun trafficking!
I guess he figured that the more legal guns he could dispense with,
the more ILLEGAL guns he could sell. That this is “hypocrite
personified” goes without saying, and brings into question the
motives of other anti-gun fools. In pleading for mercy, Yee said
this: “In the 67 years of my life, I have devoted much of it to the
work of the community, to people here in San Francisco and in the
state of California.” But of course, that raises the question, what
was he doing “on the side” all those years to benefit the illicit
gun industry? He also said that he had hurt his family and his
supporters, and that would “weigh on me the rest of my life.”
Yeah, riiiight! He's just sorry he got caught. (Washington Post)
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Million MOMS Against Guns
Or something like that. They held a "massive rally" in
Topeka, Kansas, the other day--and 44 people showed up. I guess
nobody cares about their brand of gun control in Topeka. That's
happening more and more recently, as outfits like theirs plan
"massive rallies" that draw very few people. You'd think
they'd get the idea that fewer and fewer people give a damn about
their efforts to violate the Constitution's Second Amendment and make
us DEFENSELESS against the millions of ILLEGALLY armed criminals and
terrorists out there. They just can't get it through their thick
skulls that more and more intelligent people don't believe their BS
any more, and so don't show up for their "rallies." I guess
fools will always be with us, and this is the best proof of it. (CJ Online)
Monday, February 27, 2017
She Calls It Common Sense
And then she goes on to say that “gun-free zones work. "There is no
evidence (there's that favorite phrase again) they don't.” Really? What about the fact that all but TWO
mass shootings in the United States have occurred IN gun free zones?
And what about all the criminals who have chosen to rob and KILL
people in gun free zones, such as a Wal-Mart or a Target Stores
parking lot? Maybe it is just that you choose to IGNORE such stories,
so you can maintain your anti-gun narrative. Courtney Stewart, the
writer of this article only graduated high school in 2003, and is
obviously too young to know ANYTHING. She hasn't been on this Earth
long enough to know anything. Yet she pretends to “school” others
on things she obviously knows nothing about. Gun-free zones ARE
“magnets” for bad guys who want to do us damage. The evidence IS
there, even if she chooses not to see it. It's as obvious as the nose
on her face, but she probably can't see that, either. (Citrus County Chronicle)
Big Miscalculation
Democrats assumed the female vote was theirs, just as they assumed
other things in the 2016 election. I'm not saying miscalculating the
female vote “did them in,” but it certainly helped. More and more
women are arming themselves and getting training that lets them be the
equal to men in handing guns. Democrats assumed the female vote was
“a done thing,” and it wasn't. As they gained knowledge in the
use and handling of guns, it gave them a lot more confidence in their
ability to defend themselves without depending on the men in their
lives.They moved consistently AWAY from the Democrat Party, which is
pretty much dedicated to taking away our constitutional right to self
defense, and to own and carry a gun. Democrats miscalculated many
things, and continue to do so. Which is why they will continue to
lose to people like Donald Trump, and those who support his programs.
They continue to think somebody cheated, and stole the election. That
way, they don't have to face up to reality and change their playbook. (Washington Examiner)
Sunday, February 26, 2017
Not A Gun Problem
“It's a PEOPLE problem--a GANG problem!” You can't solve the gun
violence problem by limiting gun ownership for LEGAL gun owners
because the bulk of the violence it committed by gang members, who
all get their guns ILLEGALLY. There are several ways to approach that
problem, the first being to change their way of thinking. Second, to
help them, another way is to promote “family living,” so they won't
NEED gangs as a substitute for families. Get well-paying jobs
that keep them occupied so they will not have time to “hang”
with gangs. Maybe Chicago is beginning to figure out their problem.
This was discovered by an outside source. The Chicago politicians
have yet to take it up. It depends on whether or not they do, whether
or not they begin to really attack their “gun violence problem,”
or continue to have more and more people killed every year. (Chicago Sun-Times)
A Gun Is A Gun
Then the Fourth Circuit Court says, “We don't have the power to
“extend” the Second Amendment protection to weapons of war.”
But that's faulty thinking on the part of the judges. They don't have
the authority NOT to “extend” it to “weapons of war.” A gun
is a gun, and the Constitution clearly states that Americans will NOT
have their right to be armed abridged! And that included 'weapons of
war.” The Constitution did NOT exclude “weapons of war” from
its guarantee. So no matter how you figure it, this ruling is NOT
correct, and is a good example of how the courts are the enemies of
the right of Americans to be armed. This is why there needs to be a
way to reverse ignorant rulings and punish the judges who make them.
(National Review)
Saturday, February 25, 2017
Another Trend
Politicians are “waking up to reality” and making laws allowing
people to carry their guns for self defense without the bother and
expense of getting a “permit.” They're beginning to realize they
don't have the right to limit that right for Americans. The Second
Amendment to the Constitution prevents that. New Hampshire is the
latest state to “wise up,” having passed a law to allow their
citizens to carry guns without a permit. Eleven states already have
such laws, and 16 are working on legislation to allow it. And it's
happening with more and more frequency, as more politicians begin to
realize on which side of the bread is the butter. Shannon Watts,
founder of “MOMS Against Guns (or something like that) says such
laws are an anomaly, but the frequency with which they are being
passed suggests otherwise. I think SHE is the anomaly. (Washington Post)
He's Got It Right!
Georgia Rep. Eddie Lumsden recognizes that the Second Amendment is a
RIGHT, not a privilege, as other politicians maintain. There isn't
ANYTHING in the Bill of Rights that is a “privilege,” but those
politicians aren't intelligent enough to realize it. Or they don't
WANT to realize it, in their zeal to disarm all America and make them
DEFENSELESS against the millions of ILLEGAL guns out there in the
hands of criminals, crazies, and Islamic terrorists, who are pouring
into America every day, ready to KILL all who don't convert to their perverted “religion.” Declaring it a privilege is part and
parcel of the anti-gun fools' campaign to keep Americans defenseless.
And they're losing, as witness the multiple failures of their “common
sense gun laws” in Congress, and in legislatures, all over the
country. There's a good reason why they're losing; they're going not
only against the Second Amendment, but against the will of the
American people, as well. (Bearing Arms)
Friday, February 24, 2017
2 Hour Response Time
That's how long it took for the cops to arrive on a home invasion
call in Detroit, recently. What better reason to allow private
citizens to have their own guns for self defense, and to carry same
without “abridgment” of the Second Amendment guarantee that NO
LAWS can be made to abridge that right. Luckily, that family wasn't
harmed, by the grace of God. But they were trapped in their home for
30 minutes while the bad guys rifled their home. Some of the
intruders left during the invasion, probably to get the stolen items
out of the house and in storage, so they won't be stolen from THEM.
The one guy left tried to leave, but was held for the cops when they
FINALLY arrived. Hopefully, he'll “rat out” his accomplices. The
dispatcher who “dropped the ball” will be punished, maybe fired,
and that is only right. That dispatcher's incompetence could have
gotten somebody killed. One gun in the house, in the hands of one of
those living there, could have made all the difference. But the “gun
laws” in Detroit will not allow it, leaving their citizens
defenseless. (WXYZ 7)
"Dads Demand Guns!"
Because it's my ass that has to go see what that
noise was.” When the wife wakes up and hears a noise, she does not
go to find out what it was. I do. So do I go out there with nothing
to use to defend myself if somebody who shouldn't be there is there,
and has an ILLEGAL gun? Anti-gun fools say I should “just go back
to bed and ignore it.” Safer that way. Also it gives the interloper
free rein to steal my belongings, and maybe even come to my bedroom
later and kill me. And my wife. No, sir. Not me. I'm going to go out
there with my LEGAL gun in my hand, and KILL the SOB if I have to, to
defend myself, and my family. If I can't get a gun legally, I'll get
it any way I can, for self-defense. Nothing more. And I don't give a
damn what your silly “gun laws” say. If I go to jail for that, so
be it. My family will be safe. The only thing your silly “gun laws”
do is make life easier for the burglars and thugs out there. They do
NOTHING to make life safer for us human beings. If I have to break
the law to make my family safe, I will. And be damned to you, and
your “gun laws.” When the cops take over an HOUR to get there,
I'm the only defense my family has. (Fox
Thursday, February 23, 2017
They Can't Tell the Truth
So the anti-gun fools systematically
lie about guns. One way they lie is to cite figures from sources that
KNOWINGLY lie to promote “gun laws." One such source is the Mass
Shooting Tracker, (MST)
one used often by the liberal media. MST openly brags about “using
a different method” to define mass shootings that inflates the
number of mass shootings by a factor of TEN! Their method is used “to punch
holes in the NRA's argument.” The NRA is the National Rifle
Association, the most successful pro-gun organization. If you have to
LIE to “punch holes in their argument,” you're being DISHONEST.
Their phony 'figures' are regularly used by the Washington
and PBS and others to make it look like mass shootings happen much more often than they
do. The liberal media is dishonest, but this is RAW! (Daily Caller)
It Doesn't Happen?
The anti-gun fools keep saying it doesn't happen, but it does; often.
Somebody with a gun saves a life from another with a gun trying to
take one. In this case, a woman shot her “boyfriend” when he
tried to kill her son during an argument with him. There's no telling
what would have happened to her if he had been successful in killing
her son. But her action made that a moot point by killing him. What
motivated him to start shooting at her son over his taking a car
without permission, I don't know. I DO know HER motivation in
shooting him to death. It was keeping her son alive. (WMC Action News)
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Million MOMS Against Guns
Or something like that. They held a "massive rally" in
Topeka, Kansas, the other day--and 44 people showed up. I guess
nobody cares about their brand of gun control in Topeka. That's
happening more and more recently, as outfits like theirs plan
"massive rallies" that draw very few people. You'd think
they'd get the idea that fewer and fewer people give a damn about
their efforts to
the Constitution's Second Amendment and make us DEFENSELESS against
the millions of ILLEGALLY armed criminals and terrorists out there.
They just can't get it through their thick skulls that more and more
intelligent people don't believe their BS any more, and so don't show
up for their "rallies."
I guess fools will always be with us, and this is the best proof of
it. (CJ Online)
Selective Rulings
The 4th circuit Court has ruled that "AR-15s and their
magazines, or magazines 'like' them, are covered under their "assault
rifles" legislation. And are NOT protected by the Second
Amendment. Which effectively creates a new way to "get around"
the Second Amendment, simply by "declaring" certain guns
NOT to be protected under the Second. This is not under the power of
the court, but they took it, anyway. The anti-gun fools look for any
way they can to declare as many guns as they can, "not protected
under the Second," and this is now one way, "certified"
by the 4th Circuit. It's wrong, but it is now as good as a law, until
we can find an INTELLIGENT judge to reverse it. (Prince Law)
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Ending "Gun Control"
Trump has promised to end gun control, as we know it, today. And he
is already working on a measure to end "gun-free zones" in
public schools, nationwide. Other anti-gun laws are in his sights.
But the fight is far from over. Local "authorities" are
still dominated by anti-gun fools who will continue to
their illogical and stupid "anti-gun
Gun-free zones, for instance, have been a massive failure. Every mass
but two,
so far, have
taken place
IN a "gun-free
zone." Potential mass shooters SEARCH OUT gun-free zones in
which to do their dirty work.
Many other gun crimes have taken place there.
Such as in Wal-Mart or Target Store parking lots.
even though Trump knows better, local politicians and bureaucrats do
They don't care how many innocent people they get killed with
their silly "flights of fancy"
they call, "common sense gun laws." Pressure from above in
the next four, maybe eight years will have an effect on that, but it
will not be total. The locals will continue to make their silly laws,
and private organizations will still fall for the "gun-free
zone" myth, and the other
myths that become law. So you need to be alert, and get rid of known
anti-gun fools in your legislatures.
One anti-gun writer says the Aurora Theater shooter said nothing
about CHOOSING a gun-free zone as evidence that gun-free zones are
not "chosen" by mass shooters. as if what he SAID or did
not say was evidence of his thinking. But if you listen closely tho
what he DOES say, he did. Other mass shooters confirm it.
"No Evidence to Support"
That's a favorite statement for liberals. They say, "There's no
evidence to support" this, and "no evidence to support"
that, when there IS, and they ignore it, so they can say that. Such
is the case here, where they say "There's no evidence to support
the theory that a 'good guy with a gun
in the crowd'
can stop a BAD guy with a gun," while there IS evidence it is
true. MASSIVE amounts of it, which they roundly IGNORE, while
spouting their lies. They still think that, if the average person
were allowed to carry a gun legally, they'd "go insane" and
kill somebody over a trifle, like a fender-bender or an argument
a parking space.
They discount all the MILLIONS of guns there are already out there in
the hands of gang members, who do, and others, who are simply
In a church in Colorado Springs, CO, an armed worshiper they CALLED a
"security guard DID stop such a mass shooting, before the
shooter could kill more than two. And there are uncountable other such
instances, which they ignore. (WTSP TV)
Sunday, February 19, 2017
More Armed Cops
Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe, the outgoing commissioner of Scotland Yard,
fervently believes in armed policemen. He even said that in his final
speech as commissioner. He decried the refusal of many cops to carry
guns. Whoever originally fostered the whole idea of cops without guns
was INSANE, and has gotten many cops killed. Criminals usually
don't feel the same way, and don't hesitate to shoot cops. He noted
that one in eight officers refuse to carry guns, in spite of reports
like the terrorist killings in France, while the cops had to cower
behind their cars and let the perps get away, since they weren't
armed, If I were a cop (and I used to be), I'd CERTAINLY want to be
armed, to "level the playing field" with the criminals.
(Irons In the Fire)
"You Gotta Be Nuts!"
If you think gun control (as we know it) saves lives! That's what
comedian Jackie Mason said (with an added comment by me). Mason seems
to be "the voice of reason" we sorely need, these days.
There's no telling how many people gun control (as we know it) has
killed, while the "gun-haters" apparently don't care. They
have an INSANE hatred of GUNS and want to disarm everybody (except
those gun-haters who carry their own guns, anyway, or can hire armed
security while denying us the same right to self defese). Mason says that gun-control politicians who go about
behind a wall of armed security while denying us the same right,
"just don't care" how many innocent people they get killed
by disarming law-abiding people.
And he's absolutely right. (Breitbart)
Saturday, February 18, 2017
Chicago Ignorance--Again
Chicago "authorities" say "guns are racist, and are a
public health issue." Further, they say that gang violence is
CAUSED by "white privilege." How blind and stupid ARE these
people? Guns are NOT racist, nor are they a "public health
issue." And they are NOT "caused by white privilege."
That's just an effort to divert blame from their own stupidity. Gang
violence is caused by stupid black people (As opposed to intelligent black people) who would rather shoot each
other than have a meaningful discussion about their differences. It
is a PEOPLE issue, not a public health issue. The politicians in
Chicago have no idea how to stem gun violence, so they blame it on
everything BUT what it really is, which does NOTHING to solve the
problem, but no doubt makes them "feel better about themselves."
(Chicago Sun-Times)
Really That Stupid?
"Teachers will kill their Students!' That's what politicians say
about the law they are debating now
in SC
to allow teachers and other school staff to be armed, so they can
stop a potential school mass shooter before he can kill lots of kids.
Kill their students? Very doubtful, unless a student comes at them
with his own gun and tries to kill THEM
(and there are gang members in school who might).
They say if the teacher "stashes his gun in his desk, a kid
could get his hands on it, and kill a few people. As if the teacher
isn't smart enough to keep the gun on his person and CONTROL access
to it. They always base their objections on what "might"
happen if the gun holder is completely stupid and
irresponsible--which they would be TRAINED not to be.
They think teachers are really STUPID and can't be trusted to be
armed, They are actually thinking of themselves. (Post and Courier)
Friday, February 17, 2017
Extreme Vetting for Gun Buyers
Again, the incompetent leaders in Chicago want to make yet another
law, on top of those already in effect, that will not do ANYTHING to
reduce the gun violence they seem to be so worried about. Using a
play on Trump's words, they want to create an "extreme vetting"
program for legal gun buyers. Forget the fact that they already have
that, in CURRENT laws. Just try and buy a gun LEGALLY without
"extreme vetting." Of course, this completely IGNORES the
fact that neither the current law NOR the new one proposed will
affect ILLEGAL gun buyers, in the least. Illegal gun buyers don't
subject themselves to "vetting." Can
anybody show me a gang member or other kind of criminal who bought his gun legally?
Gangs have wars over trivial things like the wrong person being in a gang's
"turf." And they continue unabated. No "crackdown"
on gangs is planned, and that's what they need. Meanwhile, they
concentrate on people who OBEY the law. I had a Chicago Tribune story
about this, but I couldn't get past their "anti-ad blocker"
notice. (Chicago Tribune)
"DC Gun Laws Work" (?)
They say their gun laws have kept DC safe for years. Hardy har, har
(giggle, gurgle!)! Thanks, Newsweak,
I needed a good laugh, and that's the best one I've had all week.
They call Trump's words "extreme and divisive," and that
his rhetoric is "little more than empty promises." They are
disturbed that he is KEEPING his promises. One of their "fears"
is that Trump will "mess with" DC's gun laws, which they
say have "protected DC for years." Why then, does DC rank
right up there, right behind Chicago as one of the most dangerous
places in which to live, because of all the gun violence? Now let's
look at the FACTS, rather than fantasy: There is a distinct UPTICK
in gun violence in DC this year, just as there has been for all
recent years. That's what this magazine ignores.
They're running an
total of almost 500 gun crimes a year, and Chicago has to "step
lively" to stay ahead of them. And Newsweak
has the audacity to say their laws have made DC safer? I have to
giggle every time I think of how DUMB they are! (Newsweak)
Thursday, February 16, 2017
Gun Grabber Fake News
This story was run in the Knoxville
and asserts that "constitutional carry" is dangerous. This
is the usual gun-grabber lie, and they not only bought it, they're
carrying it on further by spewing it in their pages,
without ANY stats to back it up.
This IGNORES the millions of ILLEGAL guns already on the streets,
many of which are in the hands of gang members, who are mostly too
young to have a gun,
but get them easily, ILLEGALLY, anyway.
It also ignores the adult criminals who not only break the law in
buying their guns, they break the law, period. That's what they DO!
And allowing honest, law-abiding citizens to carry guns for self
defense is NOT DANGEROUS to anybody but illegally armed CRIMINALS
why try to victimize them.
Gun-haters just will never understand that law-abiding people will
NOT "go wild" if they have a gun in their pocket and kill
somebody over a fender bender or a real or imagined slight (as gang
members do on a regular basis
with their illegal guns).
Or they just REFUSE to understand it because it doesn't fit their
preconceived notions, nor advance their bogus narrative. (Ammoland)
More Fake Gun News
You'd think NBC
would be a little more careful in the stories it runs, wouldn't you?
But they're not. Or they WANT to run fake news, as long as it
advances their fake narrative to disarm honest, law-abiding people.
They say that, since gun
can be sent to customers and AREN'T guns, at that point, it is LEGAL
to make and sell them to criminals and crazies. That
they only become guns AFTER the customer finishes the assembly, and
that is LEGAL. There's only one little problem. that's FALSE. And The
ATF SAID it's false. Apparently, they didn't bother
as this Free
writer did,
ASK them. They just ran with the LIE. The more I hear about this kind
of thing, the less I respect the media. There's no use watching it,
because they tell so many lies, it's hard to tell what's true and
what's not. So I just stay away from the liberal media
so it doesn't pollute my mind.
(Washington Free Beacon)
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Short-Sighted Action
The authorities went through a complicated series of actions after a
"concealed carrier" came to the defense of a cop who was in
danger of being murdered by a damned fool motorist, He came upon the
scene while the "bad guy" was "beating the hell"
out of the cop, had taken his gun, and was about to kill him.
Whereupon this hero
warned him, and when he did not stop,
"put three" into him, killing him. He was then forced to
suffer through a hearing to "clear him" against charges
for killing that fool. He also
was disarmed, by
his gun taken away, as "evidence." That made him an "easy target" for any of that guy's friends who might want revenge. Like he was going to
"take the gun and run." So a local gun store made him a
GIFT of another gun to replace it. The facts of the case should have
made both actions unnecessary. But not for bureaucrats. They must
have "all the "Is dotted" and "Ts crossed,"
and all the paperwork in place. In a world where "black men"
are commonly shot by other black men, this black
came to the rescue of a white cop, by shooting another black man in
the act of killing that cop. Unlike in Ferguson, MO, where a cop
doing a righteous killing was vilified and made out to be the "bad
guy" by a very vocal minority, this case caused little outcry.
(Bearing Arms)
Shouldn't Even Be A Fight
This shouldn't even BE a fight. Obama's "rules change" that
told his bureaucrats to put the names of elderly people who requested
others to handle their finances on the "no-gun list" as a
means of disarming yet another group of law-abiding people, should
never have been made. Just asking others to handle your finances does
NOT mean you are "mentally deficient" or a danger to society. Yet the "fight
continues," as anti-gun fools line up to KEEP that rule in
place, even though it is obviously patently WRONG. But
that makes no difference to liberals in government. Anything that
will disarm large numbers of people is something they want to keep,
even though it is unconstitutional, and WRONG.
(Bearing Arms)
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Banning Lead In Bullets
Politicians and bureaucrats have "jumped on" lead poisoning
from bullet fragments to allow them to ban lead in ammunition because
doctors don't bother to look for, and remove lead fragments from people who get shot, unless
they're in dangerous places in the body. In the United States, testing for lead in the body in occupations where lead
poisoning is likely is routine. Which proves they KNOW it is a danger, but still
don't bother to remove them. It IS only a small number of people
affected in this way, but I'm sure it looms large to the victims of
such laziness. Dying from being shot has long been laughingly called
"lead poisoning," but this proves it's no joke. It's a REAL
cause of death. It's just yet another way to make buying and using a
gun more expensive and difficult. (CNN)
How Is It Possible?
stores are "gun-free zones." Seems
like one law-abiding person wasn't so law-abiding (or "house
rule" abiding, anyway). He must have known Wal-Mart has a "house
rule" making their stores and property a "gun-free zone."
He was a legal concealed carrier, and brought his gun anyway. A
good thing he did, because when he saw two guys having a knife
fight, he stepped in and held them at gun point until the cops
arrived, to take them into custody. He probably saved one, maybe two
lives by so doing. He doesn't work for Wal-Mart, so they can't do
anything to him for bringing his gun, though I'm sure they'd like to.
Maybe they'll just ban him from coming there in the future, which is
really stupid. Incidents
where "good guys with guns" intervene
to save lives seem to be coming more and more often. I don't know if
they are being reported more, or are actually increasing as more and
more people become concealed carriers. No matter. They prove us right
when we say more guns in the hands of law-abiding people means more
safety for everybody. Something the anti-gun fools steadfastly deny.
(Bearing Arms)
Monday, February 13, 2017
Protecting the Criminal
This state senator in Florida says concealed carry is more needed
than ever in the wake of the Ft. Lauderdale Airport shooting. Unlike
anti-gun fools, he
a brain and it's working. What if there had been a licensed gun
carrier next to the guy who opened fire on everybody that day, who
could have "taken him out" before he got a chance to kill a
bunch of people? that would be a good thing, right? But
anti-gun fools don't think so. They think it's an excuse to make even
more USELESS "gun laws" that do not work and get people
killed. The
only people these laws protect are the criminals, who don't obey ANY
laws or regulations. If
they mean to kill a bunch of people, what the hell do they care
about their piddling laws that say they can't even BUY a gun?
Steube is, of course, a Republican. Democrats aren't intelligent
enough to support such laws. (The Gun Writer)
Anti-Gun Insanity
At a Spokane, Washington hockey game between two different
law-enforcement organizations, the county sheriff came to watch. But
he was denied entrance until he disarmed himself. The SHERIFF of the
county! The top law enforcement
officer of the county! What insanity is this? What if
a criminal had brought his gun in ILLEGALLY, and decided to kill a
few people? What would this sheriff be able to do? Watch in horror as
his fellow citizens were killed by this criminal,
who doesn't obey laws? This is how the INSANITY of the anti-gun fools
works. They
never think about the unintended consequences
of their silly actions. They
just do it, and to hell with those
who die because of it.
These people get others KILLED, but they don't care, as long as they
can disarm everybody and make them defenseless against ILLEGALLY
armed criminals. (Ricochet)
Sunday, February 12, 2017
They Went Too Far
As usual, the "one size fits all" theory of government
regulation strikes again. Yes, there are a FEW people so deranged
they should never be allowed near a gun (some of them are in the
government). But this rule, put out by Obama as he went out the door,
and which he attempted to make irreversible, BANNED gun ownership,
not on their mental inability, but on their asking someone else to
handle their finances. That took a constitutional right away from a
large segment of our society that HAS no mental disability. This
is the typical kind of over
of the Obama administration, which gladly, is OVER. And Congress has
seen fit to end it, contrary to Obama's effort to make it something
they could NOT stop.
(Washington Post)
Blaming the Victims
Of course. Memphis
Police Director Michael Rawlings
blames a new law in Tennessee for the rise in gun crime, because it
people to carry their gins and store them in their cars, even without
a permit to do so. But
guns were being stolen way before this. He cites the 851 guns taken
from cars (out of 2,000 total stolen, as opposed to 348 stolen from
cars in 2013
[he didn't say how many were stolen elsewhere in that period],
before the law was passed). His theory was proven false by the fact
that MORE guns were stolen from other places. Guns WILL be stolen, no
matter where they're stored. Yes, a few more were
stolen from cars after the law was passed, but the number is still
smaller than the TOTAL of guns stolen, and that is NOT due to the
law. But
then, anti-gun fools will always twist
ANY stats they can to make pro-gun legislation look bad. And this
"police politician" is no different. (WREG)
Saturday, February 11, 2017
Prosecute Constitution Abuse
Trump was elected president largely on the votes of those who wanted
to retain their right to be armed in self defense. He promised to
support the Second Amendment, and he could do that by instructing his
new Attorney General to take legal action against states that pass
laws and make regulations that infringe on people's rights under the
Second Amendment. DOJ has prosecuted states in other cases involving
violations of the constitution, and this would be right and proper.
Washington, DC and Chicago, for instance, have made several laws that
have been DECLARED unconstitutional, So they remake the law in almost
identical fashion, and pass it, enforcing it until the next time it
is declared unconstitutional,
fining people big money, end even imprisoning some.
This should
cause those politicians involved to be subject to lawful indictment
and prosecution. This can be done, and it would reassure potential
gun owners that he meant what he said. (Second Amendment Foundation)
Democrat Hypocrisy
Hypocrisy is a word used a lot in politics, and for good reason,
There is a lot of hypocrisy in politics that politicians ignore. For
instance: politicians (mostly Democrats, but some Republicans, too)
hate and decry voter ID, but they LOVE "background checks and
"carry permits" as a means of "gun control."
They fight, tooth and nail, to prevent any kind of "voter ID,
claiming it "disenfranchises minorities," as if they
couldn't come up with a few bucks for a state ID card or a driver's
license. Then they go out and do everything they can to make getting
a concealed carry permit as difficult as they can, and the most
expensive. Tell me: what's the difference between "carry
permits" and voter ID? The answer is, NO voter ID benefits the
politicians, making it easier to steal elections. Letting people
carry their own guns for self defense is just something some
politicians hate, and think they can limit or get rid of, while many
of them go around behind a WALL of ARMED "security" while
denying citizens the same right, in spite of the constitutional
guarantee. (Bullets First)
Friday, February 10, 2017
The "Deadly Duo"
The anti-gun fools are worried. The appointment of Jeff Sessions as
Attorney General signals a "new world" for them, and they
don't like it. Couple that with the NRA, which is already a "thorn
in their sides," and you have a "deadly duo" against
their idea of gun control. Sessions knows the Constitution guarantees
us the right to be armed in self defense, and he will do everything
he can to stop their unconstitutional actions, in concert with the
NRA, which has been working alone to do that, in the past, and is now
JOINED by powerful assistance. They KNOW their efforts violate one
of the most BASIC amendments, and they further
know Sessions is not going to let them get away with the things they
got used to getting away with under Obama and, before that, Bill
Clinton. Bush (the younger) wasn't overly concerned with gun rights,
on either side. The next 4 (or maybe 8) years are going to be hard
ones for them.
Getting Around the Law
Most politicians
know they can't just BAN guns, so they do everything they can short
of it to make life harder for those who want to buy, or carry their
guns for self defense. Their "gun safes," "trigger
locks," and "gun-free zones" are ways to that end.
They're talking now about making it almost impossible to buy
ammunition, without which guns are useless. In Connecticut, the
governor wants to raise fees for "carry permits" to
unaffordable levels so only the richest of folks can afford it. Or
the "security" those people can afford to buy. Governor
Malloy wants to cover up his incompetent budget management on the
backs of those who want to "carry" by raising the fee from
the current $70
(plus an added state fee of another $70,
total $140.00),
to a total of $300.00, with a $300 renewal fee every five years.
a gun is expensive enough, without "carry fees" that rival
the cost of the gun, itself.
Thursday, February 9, 2017
Big Anti-Gun Rally!
A Witchita State University gun rally against "campus carry"
was called to show their strength--and it did. All of 15 people
showed up, including the speaker. Looks like almost NOBODY is
interested in stopping people from carrying guns in self defense in
Witchita. "The
rally was in support of proposed legislation that would undo
campus carry for law-abiding citizens, forcing said citizens to
wander the campus defenseless like everybody else."
I guess real people don't want to keep them defenseless like the
anti-gun fools do. Being unconstitutional notwithstanding, the people
have shown their opposition to these high-handed fools who want to
keep people defenseless against the millions of ILLEGAL guns already
out there, being carried by people who want to do us ill. I really
get tired of saying this and having it "bounce off" those
fools who want everybody disarmed,
in spite of the constitutional guarantee.
In Six More States
It's a trend, folks! Six more states are in the process of
considering permitless concealed carry. apparently, politicians are
realizing that this is the way to reduce gun violence, by eliminating
the ILLEGAL gun owners who prey on UNARMED citizens. The six states
are Alabama, New Hampshire, Indiana, Kentucky, South Dakota, and
Texas. Indiana is where I was born, so I appreciate that. What will
really surprise me is if Colorado, where I now live, ever does the
same, with its liberal-dominated legislature and governorship.
Twelve other states already have permitless carry. Adding these will
make it 18. A big part of the country. The country is slowly getting
smart, although the anti-gun fools are horrified. They're always
horrified when laws are made to let people defend themselves.
Wednesday, February 8, 2017
Against the Second
The Maryland Legislature is adamantly AGAINST the Second Amendment.
They prove it, every time they pass one of their onerous "gun
laws" that VIOLATE it. Laws such as the wrongly named "Maryland
Firearms Safety Act," which is anything but. That law sent
several firearms manufacturing companies elsewhere, where the
government was more "friendly" to them, and caused some gun
stores to simply close. While lawmakers were patting themselves on
the back, cops were trying their best to put down the REAL problem,
gun crimes committed by ILLEGAL gun owners who get their guns out of
the trunks of the cars owned by other criminals, in a back alley
somewhere. something this law CANNOT reach. So far, ALL the "gun
laws" only target LEGAL gun owners, who aren't the problem, for
the most part. One of the most glaring failures where "gun laws"
are concerned is the "gun-free zones"all over the country,
not just in Maryland. Such zones only serve to INCREASE gun violence,
as do all the other gun laws, But
don't tell the anti-gun fools, they have a "tin ear" for
that. They're convinced they're right, so don't confuse them with
facts. (America's First Freedom)
Increasing Gun Crime
That's what ALL the "gun laws" do, so far. But the anti-gun
fools won't believe it when we tall them. Their minds are made up, so
don't confuse them with facts. Gun safes, Safe gun storage laws,
gun-free zones, even background checks only affect LEGAL gun owners,
who don't commit most of the gun crimes. Those are committed mostly
ILLEGAL gun owners, who IGNORE such laws and rules. As an example,
ALL mass shootings have happened IN "gun-free zones."
Would-be mass shooters SEEK OUT gun-free zones because they can be
pretty sure legal gun owners, who OBEY laws, won't be armed, there.
And they don't put their guns in gun safes at home, or practice "safe
gun storage." They don't care. And there is NO WAY to get
illegal gun owners to sit for a background check. Gun laws, as made
today, are fruitless. They're USELESS to reduce gun crime,
instead INCREASING it by disarming law-abiding people and making them
DEFENSELESS against illegal gun owners, who obey NO laws.
We tell them the answer, which is more law-abiding people with their
own guns, being allowed to carry them everywhere. But they won't hear
of it, and they're in places where they can get those useless laws
(Just common sense)
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
Gun Buyers New Confidence
People were buying guns at record levels during Obama's
administration, because they were fearful that Obama would do even
more to stop them from being able to defend themselves with a gun, if
necessary. Now that Trump is in office, they have regained confidence
that this will not happen. Trump has not only PROMISED to get rid of
what Obama already accomplished in that arena (not much, thanks to
the NRA and some other organizations), he will make laws making it
all but impossible for liberals to do what Obama couldn't. Anti-gun
fools will have a "tough road to hoe" in the next four
(maybe 8) years. They've done this to the extent that the FBI says
new background check applications have DROPPED by half a million,
just in January.
Judges Aren't Too Smart
At least, not in the Fourth Circuit Court. They
just said, in a ruling, that if you have a gun, you're automatically
a "suspect." Now THAT is stupid! Judges should be smarter
than that. Having a gun, LEGALLY, does NOT make you a "suspect."
It only makes you better able to defend yourself against the REAL
suspect, the man with an ILLEGAL
fourth Circuit recently
ruled that just carrying a gun (legally) makes you "suspect,"
until proven innocent. That violates the Fourth Amendment and the
"innocent until proven guilty" concept, which is LAW in this
country. Maybe these judges don't know that. If not, they have no
business BEING on the Court.
One judge said that merely carrying a gun (legally or otherwise)
makes you a danger to others and subject to foregoing certain
constitutional protections afforded to persons who do NOT carry guns.
How big a fool does that make this judge?
If they saw what I said, they might want to find me in contempt.
They'd be right. I AM in contempt of this court.
(America's First Freedom)
Monday, February 6, 2017
"They're Out of Step"
Bloomberg's suckers, "Everytown Against Guns (or some such)
says, "The NRA and President Trump are 'out of step" with
the American people." Oh, yeah? How then, did Trump win the
presidency against all the predictions about what the American people
thought? And why does the NRA have MILLIONS of members who are
concerned about their RIGHT to own and use a gun for self defense?
Why do the anti-gun fools LOSE just about every time they try
something? I think it's "Everytown" and all the other
fools that are "out of step," and they aren't intelligent
enough to realize it.
They got "bent out of shape" about the NRA being included
in a presidential strategy meeting at the White House the other
day--why? It they're so "out of step," such a meeting
wouldn't make much difference, would it?
The Anti-Gun Fallacy
Bloomberg, one of the most virulent anti-gun fools, lives in a "gated
community" guarded by men with guns,
they CALL a gun-free zone." So do many other anti-gun fools, and
many (most) of them run around, surrounded by gun-carrying thugs. But
they want to deny us the right (guaranteed by the Constitution) to
also have armed security, unless we can afford to HIRE it. One Senator thinks
the way to self defense is to open our borders to Islamic terrorists,
who have PROMISED to kill ALL "unbelievers," while taking
away the guns from its citizens so they can't defend themselves.
Sen. Chris Murphy
(Democrat, of course), is that Senator. I don't know if he lives in
such a community or not, but obviously he only talks to people who
think the same way he does. So he's not intelligent enough to know
how STUPID his thinking is. If we keep electing such damned fools to
the Congress, we will continue to get STUPID "gun laws"
made. (America's First Freedom)
Sunday, February 5, 2017
Enemy of Gun Rights
Michael Bloomberg is an ENEMY of the constitutional right to own and
use the means to self defense, a gun. Ever since he finished his
ILLEGAL third term as mayor of New York City, where he tried to
control their pop-drinking habits and other things that were none of
his business, he has been meddling in Second Amendment rights all
over the country, trying his best, and spending $MILLIONS to overturn
them. I wonder what part of "shall
not be abridged" he does not understand. Now he's got his money
(again) in Colorado, giving it to lobbyists who want to destroy gun
rights here. The Colorado legislature is currently looking at a bill
to better the training for teachers and other school employees,
so they can carry their guns to school and protect their students if
a mass shooter comes to kill them. His
minions say the bill will allow no training at all, at the discretion
of the county sheriff. The bill is supported by all 64
Colorado county sherifs--and they are the people who should know.
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