Tuesday, May 12, 2020

What Are We Doing?

To “combat the virus,” politicians are “confiscating” our constitutional right to guns for self defense against the criminals, who already have their guns. They got them illegally, as they get everything. Then they “early release” even more criminals, who will go out and get guns (illegally, of course) so they can victimize the law-abiding, who are defenseless against them because the government took their right to have a gun (legally) away from the law-abiding. And to cap it off, they’re encouraging everybody to wear a face mask, to guard against the virus. What’s wrong here? Everything they do, it seems, is going to be responsible for a spike in crime, which is already beginning. I know we have to do certain things, to keep this virus at bay. But do we have to release criminals so they can victimize us? What does that accomplish—except maybe to give us more healthy criminals to victimize us while wearing the masks that have become ubiquitous, to hide their identity. Yes, masks CAN limit spreading the virus. Buy why not get a transparent face mask, instead of the ones that help them hide their identity? (Just common sense)

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