Friday, May 1, 2020

Frustration City

The anti-gun fools must be frustrated. IF all their anti-gun laws are actually meant to do what they claim they’re supposed to do. None of them has ever worked that way. What they HAVE worked to do is make it easier for the lawless, who do NOT obey laws, to victimize the law-abiding with their ILLEGAL guns. I am frustrated because, no matter how often I ask them why they continue to make their useless, unenforceable, anti-gun laws if they DON’T work the way they say they will, I get no answer. Just more insults. They are further frustrated when some lawmakers, who are obviously smarter than they are, refuse to make more of their silly laws. They accuse them of “doing nothing about gun control, but that raises the question: what SHOULD they do? What CAN they do that will have ANY effect on “gun crime” except to make it worse? These politicians who buy the bullsh-t put out by the anti-gun fools have an ulterior motive, which I think is more power to tell us what we can and cannot do. But the anti-gun fools re another story. I think theirs is a “created industry” to make themselves money from those gullible enough to buy their bullsh-t. What they demand will never work, and they have to know that. But it keeps them busy and they make a lot of money doing it. And they know there will never be an end to it. (Just common sense)

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