Friday, May 29, 2020

They Call Us Nazis

They call us Fascists; and terrorists; and many other nasty names because we want to retain our constitutionally guaranteed right to be armed for self defense. They have nothing else. They attempt to “pony up” figures to make people think wanting to be armed is somehow subversive, and fail, every time. So they “select” the figures they put out to make things LOOK like what they wish they were, and get caught, because the truth (which they deny) is so obvious to intelligent people. They know the Constitution’s Second Amendment says, “[T]he right of the people to keep and bear armed, shall not be infringed.” There couldn’t be anything more clear than that. Yet every law and regulation they propose IS an “infringement” upon that right, and if the Supreme Court ever rules definitively ON THE CONSTITUTION about that right, their position will collapse. So actually, it has already collapsed, but they will not admit it. And they have no cogent arguments in favor of their possession, so they just call us names. Think about it: if they ever got all their laws passed and came to enforce them, what would those enforcing them have in their hands? GUNS, of course. They want the only people in the country to HAVE guns be the enforcers. (Just common sense)

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