Wednesday, May 6, 2020

We're Gonna Find Out

I’ve talked many times about why people should spend some time thinking about what we would do if there were no cops. And I think we’re going to find out, soon. Cops in some places are refusing to arrest certain criminals because of the pandemic. Prosecutors are refusing to prosecute them. Cops themselves are getting sick of the virus because many times, they have no option but to get closer to a fleeing suspect than the mandated six feet, or lose them, altogether. Some are just staying home, out of the fear generated by the news media, which flogs the dangers of the virus hourly. Pretty soon there will be no cops to go around, so what are we going to do when some depraved individual, carrying a gun he got illegally, comes to victimize us? The answer is simple: we’re going to shoot him before he can shoot us. The only REAL gun control is a gun in the hand of the potential victim of an armed criminal so he can be “taken down.” Kill enough of them, and you WILL make a dent in “gun crime.” Something none of the laws the anti-gun fools get made have ever done. (Liberty Park Press)

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