Monday, May 4, 2020

Don't Mess With Grandma

She fired a warning shot when she saw him beating up on her elderly female friend with a baseball bat. He ran off and was not seen again until the cops found him. He was arrested for attempted murder, burglary and trespassing. He burst into her home and started beating her female friend with a baseball bat and this 71-year-old woman took aim and shot, missing. “I was tryin’ to kill him ‘cause he was trying to kill my friend,” she said. If this woman had not had a gun, both women would undoubtedly have been killed. There will be no charges against this woman, according to the cops, who say they’re confident she fired in self-defense. Additionally, the assailant was injured in his fight with the little old lady he was attacking. Cops are proud of her and say she will not face charges because this is not New York City or Washington, DC, where there laws against firing “warning shots.” Or just HAVING a gun. (Just common sense)

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