Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Because They Can

In Oregon they are passing many unconstitutional laws, “because they can.” ANY law that “infringes” upon the Second Amendment RIGHT to be armed IS unconstitutional BECAUSE it infringes on that right. But stupid lawmakers pass them anyway, and enforce them until somebody spends enough money on lawyers to get it before the Supreme Court, and the Supreme Court gets around to ruling. Then it depends on how the Supreme Court rules, and even if they declare it unconstitutional, the damage has been done. People’s lives have been ruined, money is lost, people are “stained” with the felon label. Some of this cannot be undone, even if the law is declared unconstitutional. But that’s what those lawmakers depend on. The slowness of GETTING their laws declared unconstitutional, coupled with the cost of getting it before the Court. Then they can immediately pass a similar law and enforce THAT until the next time it can be brought before the Court. Meanwhile, gun owners suffer and are kept as unarmed targets, BECAUSE they, unlike law-breakers, OBEY the law, even if it is a stupid law. (Just common sense)

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