Thursday, May 28, 2020

Destroying Self Defense

I’ve come to the conclusion that the anti-gun fools don’t care about safety for anybody—except for themselves. And especially not guns. Guns are only an impediment to their aims, in the hands of their intended victims.. They want to destroy the very concept of self defense for the law-abiding, while not doing much about the millions of ILLEGAL guns in circulation. Getting rid of legal guns is just “the first step.” Politicians are deathly afraid of an armed populace because of the nasty things they do to their constituents upon occasion. Not all politicians are this way, but way too many of them are. They beg for money to get elected to office and then think they’re better than the people who elected them to that office—and they don’t want those people to be armed and ready to repulse any attempt at victimization. By them, or other criminals. They go about surrounded by armed thugs while working diligently to deny us “peons” the same right to be armed for self defense. They think because they can afford to have others carry guns for them it is not somehow ironic. They probably hope for the day when the only people who are armed are people like them. (Just common sense)

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