Monday, May 11, 2020

An Illegal Suit

It’s illegal to sue gun makers for the misuse of their guns. But Kansas City and “Everytown Against Guns (or something like that)” sued one, and won, forcing it into bankruptcy. They had no real proof of any wrongdoing, but they sued them, anyway. And a liberal judge, who apparently doesn’t give a Damn about the law, allowed the suit to go forward to allow a win. Kansas City blames that gun maker for the high crime in this liberal-run city, rather than blame their own silly anti-gun laws that don’t do anything to “fight gun control.” It’s easy to blame something other than your own mistakes for bad things, especially if you can count on a corrupt judge to go along with it. Suing gun makers for the “sins” of their customers is akin to suing auto makers for the sins of their customers—something they have no control over. I just hope I haven’t given car-haters an idea. Again I will say, these people don’t give a damn about “gun crime.” They know their laws do nothing to stop, or even slow it down. What it DOES do is destroy the very concept of self defense—and I believe that’s what they’re after, for whatever nefarious reason. (Bearing Arms)

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