Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Is Trump A Dictator?

The left loves to paint President Trump as a dictator, or dictator wanna-be. But Trump has displayed none of the actions of a dictator while the left HAS. If you listen to their rhetoric, you can see the “strains” of a dictatorship that plans to limit free speech and imprison enemies. Even now they want to make doubting that global warming swindle a criminal offense that can put “deniers” in prison. It’s only a step away from making it an executable offense. They want to make is a crime to disagree with the left’s position on all things—and they are not even in power. They daily call President Trump all kinds of foul names and they do not go to prison. They sponsor gatherings, where all kinds of plots designed to “topple” him are discussed, and those gatherings are not “raided” by jack-booted thugs with badges. The “jack-booted thugs with, and without badges” belong to the left. Trump is solidly for the Second amendment, which was put into the Constitution specifically to stop would-be dictators by making a “takeover” more expensive than they would like by citizens being able to “shoot back” if they’re fired upon, by whomever. The Japanese, in WWII would not invade the mainland “because there would be a gun behind every blade of grass.” Taking away gun rights is one of the first things a wanna-be dictator does, and President Trump refuses to do it. (American Thinker)

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