Friday, August 2, 2019

Gun Grabbers Are Imbeciles

Because they have to know everything they do doesn’t work, but they keep doing it, anyway. Actually, doing the same things over and over while expecting a different result is also the definition of INSANITY. Meanwhile, they won’t even entertain the ONE THING that can actually DO something about “gun crime,” allowing the law-abiding to arm themselves so they’ll “have parity” with the ILLEGALLY-ARMED criminals. They seem to think that CRIMINALS all buy their guns legally, which they do not. But you can’t convince them of this. Criminals break laws. They do it every day. So it is really stupid to think they will obey the laws these fools get made. Gun registration and background checks only work on law-abiding people who OBEY laws, but they still do not stop the crime. They MIGHT give the cops “a leg up” on solving the crime AFTER it has happened. Gun-free zones are an open invitation to criminals to come in and use their illegal guns to victimize the law-abiding, who usually are not armed, there. Safe storage laws only delay the law-abiding from getting their guns in operation fast enough to deal with a criminal, who already has his illegal gun out and ready to shoot while that law-abiding person fumbles in his frightened attempt to get the “safe” opened. All the other anti-gun laws likewise are USELESS. But don’t tell the anti-gun fools. They refuse to debate gun control with people like me because they know they can’t logically answer a single one of my questions. (Just common sense)

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